We Moved Our Studio!

We are excited to announce that we have moved to a new studio space on Lancaster Avenue in Bryn Mawr! While everyone else embraces the work from home lifestyle, we are ready to move on. We deeply love our pets – but need some time apart from them after this year of non-stop barking at the mailman.

Behind The Masks: Meet The Team

The new year is well underway and Michelle Gage Interiors is running like a well-oiled machine, thanks to our newest team members. We’d like to take this time to introduce you all to Molly Zimnoch and Nicole Flynn Mullany, our new Project Coordinator and Junior Designer.

All In On Color

Pretty Lively Penthouse Loft by Michelle Gage Interiors

Pantone recently announced their pick for the 2021 color of the year – and to put it simply – our predications were totally off! Just another reminder that 2020 isn’t over just yet, folks.

Pantone surprised the design world by selecting two colors: Ultimate Gray and Illuminating. Simple and classic, this straightforward pairing of yellow and gray is meant to symbolize “a marriage of color conveying a message of strength and hopefulness that is both enduring and uplifting.”

Trending For 2021: Adaptable Homes

Villanova Forever Home by Michelle Gage Interiors

Which 2020 buzzword are you ready to say goodbye to? For us, it’s “uncertain times.” Here at Michelle Gage Interiors, we’re embracing “adaptability” for 2021. In the past year, we have all had to adapt in ways we never imagined and our homes have carried the brunt of these burdens.

Spring Cleaning: Tasks With Big Rewards

Green with Envy in Audobon by Michelle Gage Interiors

As temperatures rise and flowers begin to bloom, spring cleaning feels like the last thing most of us want to do. It’s time to go out and play, not stay in and clean! From afar, it can seem like a never-ending list of tasks you put off the rest of the year, but in reality it’s the perfect opportunity to show your home some love and appreciation.

Bringing The Outdoors In

Palm Springs by Michelle Gage Interiors

Since moving into our sun-soaked studio in December, our team has been scheming about what plants to style it with. There is no shortage of inspiration for beautifully designed plant-filled spaces and we wanted to take a few minutes to share our tips for starting your own “plant palace.”

Our Bedroom Refresh, 2.5 Years Later

Villanova Forever Home by Michelle Gage Interiors

You may remember our bedroom from spring 2018, that we completed as a part of an intense 6 week challenge. While we were happy with the results at the time, we couldn’t help ignore the simple fact that the process was incredibly rushed. The truth is, in order to photograph the space by the deadline, we actually wrapped everything up in just 3 weeks…and it showed…yikes!

Our Forever Home – Laundry / Mudroom

Villanova Forever Home by Michelle Gage Interiors

The laundry room was a pretty big upgrade for us. When we moved in, the washer and dryer were hanging out in the kitchen. When you walked into the house through the back door, they were right there to greet you. They were huge eyesores…and frankly just too far from where our dirty clothes were actually accumulating…

All About That Brass – Part 2

All About That Brass by Michelle Gage Interiors

If you enjoyed part 1, get ready for the rest – because we’ve got MORE WALLPAPER, MORE BRIGHTLY COLORED UPHOLSTERY AND EVEN MORE BRASS. Hold onto your hats, people, we’ve got a lot in store for you!

All About That Brass – Part 1

All About That Brass by Michelle Gage Interiors

We have been bursting with excitement to share this latest reveal with you. There is so much to talk about that we’re breaking it up into two posts. Without further ado, let us introduce you to the home we dubbed All About That Brass!

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We typically send these fun little nuggets of info out once per month. We love sharing design tips, travel ideas and our favorite local spots!

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