Before and After: My Home Office
When we moved into our house, there was this awkward little room off of the dining room. The room had gross, red paper tile. Kitchen cabinets hung on the walls. It was a tight space, but there was potential for it to turn into valuable square footage. We envisioned it being the perfect place to keep a computer and the piles of paperwork that comes with being an adult…
Signature Style: Velvet Upholstery
The goal of my projects is to have them reflect my client’s personal style. I want the home to look like them, with my guiding hand. That said, there are a few themes I work into many of my designs. These themes are the what I like to think attract clients to me. They are part of my “signature style.” For this first round, let’s look at velvet upholstery…
Our House Plans | Summer 2018
By now, you know that we’ve moved into a new house – our second fixer upper and forever home. We knew we were moving at the end of September, so we’ve had plenty of time to think through the design plan. It has gone through a few rounds of edits, but I think it’s finally in the place where I can share it with you all. If the plan seems intense, well, it is. We have A LOT of updating to do…
It’s Time To Talk About The New House
In November, we sold our first house (of 3.5 years) and moved into our forever home. We spent the entire time renovating it, room by room. We started by painting the entire place ourselves then moved onto meatier projects, like renovating our kitchen. We truly enjoyed the process of fixing up our first place, but honestly came to the end of the project. We fixed up everything we possibly could, while not pricing ourselves out of the neighborhood we were in…
How To Work With An Interior Designer
Alright folks, I’m going to let you in on a few designer secrets. While there is no real secret sauce, there are a few things that you can do to make your designer/client working relationship serve you best. I’m going to break down some tips on how to be an ideal client. I’m not providing these tips to imply that I need to school people on how to act. I just get a lot of questions from clients on how they can get the most out of their experience. Well, here’s how…
Home Concepts | Our Next 3 Spaces
I am so excited to share a little bit more of our house plans with you all. When we bought this house, Alex and I were on the same page in respect to how we’d renovate it. What we couldn’t envision on the spot was the overall design, which luckily (and rightfully so) he leaves 100% up to me…
Looking Back At 2017
This year has been one wild ride, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I have learned so much in 2017, it’s hard to say what lessons have been the most valuable. Professionally, I’ve grown leaps and bounds. I feel so blessed to have wonderful clients, who trust me to come into their lives and totally transform their homes. While there are hard days, this is truly a dream job…
Before and After: My Kitchen WIP
Let me start this post by saying that this renovation was a long time coming. When we first visited this home – as perspective buyers – we were instantly intrigued by this space. It was quite large and obviously hideous. EVERYTHING needed to GO! The floors were dirty and sticky. The appliances appeared to be original to the house. The counter tops were held together with tape…
Before and After: My Living Room Reveal
Our living room is HANDS DOWN our favorite room of our house and I am so excited to share a little bit more about it! The “before” photos that you are seeing was what we walked into as potential home buyers. While the space didn’t reflect our style whatsoever, there was a certain warmth and charm to the way the previous owner decorated. We saw that the space had potential..
Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself
Well, I’m glad you asked! My name is Michelle. However you happened upon my site, you most certainly know by now that I am an interior designer. I favor the bold and colorful things in life and have decorated my house to reflect that. I believe that your home should reflect who you are. Guests should walk into your space and exclaim that it is just “so you” that they could BURST!